To contact Radiation Safety staff after hours, call 434-924-3190 and our "on-call" staff member will answer.
On June 7, 2023, the Radiation Safety Committee approved a replacement to the Radiation Safety Guide. The new document titled "UVA Radiation Safety Program Manual" describes the radiation safety program and policies at the University of Virginia. The manual describes specific policies for individuals working with radioactive material (RAM) or radiation producing equipment (RPE) at UVA. You are encouraged to take time and read this manual.”

The Radiation Safety Program’s primary objective is to ensure that operations involving radioactive material are conducted according to policies and procedures designed to adequately protect public health and safety and maintain exposures ALARA. Regulatory compliance and consultation on the safe use of radioactive materials and analytical radiation producing equipment are key components of the program. We strive to be responsive to the needs of the University and the individual user.

Goals of the Radiation Safety Program:

  • to ensure that use of radioactive material is properly managed
  • to provide for the safety of the user and the environment
  • to be responsive to the needs of the University and the individual user

Responsibilities and Services:

  • training personnel in the safe use of radioactive material
  • administering the personnel and environmental dosimetry program
  • procurement of all radioactive material
  • shipment and receipt of all radioactive material for the University
  • collecting, packaging, and disposing of all radioactive waste
  • performing routine laboratory inspections
  • commissioning and decommissioning of all radioactive material use areas
  • emergency response
  • providing information and advice to individuals who have questions about radiation
  • calibration of radiation survey instruments

UVA Policies:

ID: SEC-004 - Disposal of Regulated (Hazardous) Materials

ID: VPRS-001 - Prohibition of Food and Drink in Research Laboratories

ID: SEC-010 - Radiation Protection during Pregnancy

ID: SEC-009 - Radiation Safety Program

Lead Used for Radiation Shielding
Periodically during inspections of radioactive material use areas, we find "bare" lead bricks and other pieces of lead shielding. These items must be coated or painted in some manner to prevent the spread of lead dust due to oxidation and potential transfer of lead to individuals handling these materials with bare hands. If you are using lead for shielding and it is not "encapsulated", please contact radiation safety for assistance with encapsulation.

NEVER dispose of lead in the regular trash or in radioactive or hazardous waste containers.

All disposal of lead must be through EHS, use this form to request an EHS pick-up of your lead waste.

Report an accident, safety concern, or hazardous situation! Use this form.
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Mike Welling
UVA Radiation Safety Officer
Radioactive Material Buyer
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Nick Dorrell
UVA Health Physicist
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Asheleigh McClary
Dosimetry Program Coordinator
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Michael Myrsten
Senior Radiation Safety Technician
Radioactive Material Buyer
Radiation Safety Technician
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Damian Ream
Radiation Safety Technician
Trevor Thomas
Laser Safety Officer - UVA Medical Center
Assistant Radiation Safety Officer
Service Satisfaction Survey
Please complete this brief survey and give us your opinion about the services Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) has provided to you. All completed surveys are sent to the Director of EHS.