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HOME Chemical Safety Lab Moves & Moving In

Lab Moves & Moving In

New Labs (Moving In... Information for New UVA Principal Investigators)

All contacts below can be made by calling Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) at 434.982.4911.

  1. Contact EHS for a new laboratory Door Sign (aka Hazard Communication Sign). The Hazard Communication Sign must be posted before lab work can begin.
  2. Contact UVA’s Chemical Safety Officer Clarissa Lynch for a personal meeting to acquaint you with EHS-based services.
  3. Before doing any work in the lab:
  4. Download and review the following UVA's documents:
    • Chemical Hygiene Plan (word | pdf)
    • Written Hazard Communication Program (word | pdf)
    • EHS strongly encourages PIs to maintain a copy of the Chemical Hygiene Plan in their lab (either hardcopy or digital), with additional lab-specific Standard Operating Procedures, for easy reference.
  5. Review UVA’s Hazardous Waste Management Program and request waste containers, sharps boxes, etc.
  6. Decide how you will manage Safety Data Sheet access in your lab and communicate this to your personnel.
  7. Provide PI-specific training for research staff, post-docs, graduate and undergraduate students AND utilize UVA/EHS’s STAR* (Safety Training and Record-keeping) online application to document and keep track of PI-specific personnel training delivered locally.
  8. Complete additional required online training modules as needed (e.g. biosafety, radiation, shipping, etc.) and/or recommended trainings on various topics.
  9. Read our FAQ for New Principal Investigators.

* Safety Training and Record-keeping (STAR) is an online application designed to help faculty and staff to manage documentation of federally required training and research related compliance data at the University of Virginia.

If you have any questions about Chemical and Laboratory Safety at UVA you can go to our website or call Clarissa, Jim or Evan at 434.982.4911.

Established UVA Labs who are moving to, or expanding to, other UVA space

Contact EHS for a new laboratory Door Sign (aka Hazard Communication Sign).

The Hazard Communication Sign must be posted before lab work can begin.

Moving chemicals, refrigerators, freezers, and chemical storage cabinets

  • Contact EHS for assistance and guidance for moving these items.
  • We will help you move chemical containers to other locations on grounds, free-of-charge, when asked.
  • Do not move Hazardous (Chemical) Waste containers to your new space. Request new waste containers for your new space.
  • If moving to a different building, arrangements must be made for new gas cylinders to be delivered to your new location.

Biohazard-labeled Laboratory Equipment

Removal or Relocation
Laboratory equipment (e.g. refrigerators, freezers, incubators, centrifuges, Biological Safety Cabinets and similar types of equipment) may be labeled with a biohazard symbol. In such cases, the labels indicate that the equipment was used in conjunction with experiments involving biological agents or used to store biological agents.

Accordingly, biohazard-labeled equipment must often be decontaminated before it can be moved within UVA (to another lab space), to another institution, or to a surplus contractor. Consult with EHS Biosafety for assistance in determining decontamination procedures. Biosafety cabinets need an evaluation to determine if gas decontamination is necessary (decon performed by an EHS approved contractor). Contact Jennifer Kershner jmw4qs@virginia.edu for an evaluation.

Preparing the Equipment (performed by laboratory personnel)

  1. Thoroughly disinfect any potentially contaminated surfaces
  2. Remove/deface all biohazard symbols or stickers.
  3. Contact EHS Biosafety (434.982.4911) to obtain an EHS Moving Authorization Label.
  4. Verify the Moving Authorization Label (shown below) is affixed to the equipment before it is moved.

Moving Authorization Label:

Note: Movers and outside contractors have been instructed to not handle or move laboratory equipment (when labeled with a biohazard and/or radioactive material symbol) without the label displayed above.

These labels have been discontinued and are no longer used.

Previously, the Yellow label was for UVA internal lab moves and White label was for off-site or surplus removal. The content of each label was consolidated to the NEW Moving Authorization Label. If you have questions about any discontinued labels on equipment, contact EHS.

On-Site Servicing or Repair
Service or repair of laboratory equipment should occur only under the authorization of laboratory personnel. Laboratory personnel are responsible for appropriately decontaminating surfaces prior to repair or servicing. Laboratory personnel are also responsible for informing repair and maintenance personnel regarding any potential hazards and any necessary precautions (including the use of PPE, decontamination of tools) to be taken while working in the laboratory and on laboratory equipment. Equipment can be decontaminated using the following techniques:

  • Surface decontamination with chemical disinfectant appropriate for the agents in use (Consult with EHS Biosafety for assistance in determining decontamination procedures)
  • Autoclaving as indicated by the IBC Policy on Autoclaving.
  • Chemical vapor/gas decontamination: For BSC decontamination only and when accessing internal plenums or components. Performed by an EHS approved contractor. Contact Jennifer Kershner jmw4qs@virginia.edu for scheduling.

Established UVA Labs who are permanently vacating UVA space (including Retiring & Non-Retiring Faculty)

For more information see Lab Decommissioning.

Service Satisfaction Survey
Please complete this brief survey and give us your opinion about the services Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) has provided to you. All completed surveys are sent to the Director of EHS.