
Required Training

University faculty, staff, and students who are required to complete Chemical Safety Training must complete at least one of the following training modules (or have properly documented completion of analogous training) in order to be considered in compliance with University policy.

Laboratories, Departments or other groups (on-Grounds only) may schedule a "live" (in-person) Chemical Safety and Waste Training session by calling EHS at 434.982.4911.

Chemical Safety and Waste Training for Research Personnel & Students
Available online (log-in)
Required training for Research Personnel & Students who work in a laboratory/area where chemicals are used, or who generate Hazardous (Chemical) Waste.
Chemical Safety and Waste Training for Non-Research Personnel
Available online (log-in)
Required training for Non-Research Personnel who work in a laboratory/area where chemicals are used, or who generate Hazardous (Chemical) Waste.
Chemical Safety Training for Support Staff
Available online (log-in)
Required training for persons who do NOT handle chemicals, but who may be accidentally exposed to chemicals where they work.

UVA Chemical Safety and Waste Policies

Two specific UVA policies define the Chemical Safety Training requirements for select University faculty, staff, and students. UVA Policy ID: SEC-003 - Chemical Safety and Waste Training and UVA Policy ID: SEC-005 - Hazardous (Chemical) Waste Collection and Disposal

In addition to Required Training, all persons working with Hazardous Chemicals should be well acquainted with UVA’s Chemical Hygiene Plan (word | pdf).

UVA’s Chemical Hygiene Plan includes University protocols and information for working safely with chemicals and instructions for the safe handling and collection of Hazardous (Chemical) Waste.

Lab Managers & Supervisors may also provide you with specialized training for using particular chemicals or chemical products, and where appropriate, how to use personal protective equipment (PPE). If you have any questions about a chemical or about your personal protective equipment you should contact your Lab Manager/Supervisor or contact EHS at 434.982.4911.


Formaldehyde is a common laboratory chemical used for tissue fixing and preservation, and as an organic chemical reagent. Training is required for individuals exposed to formaldehyde concentration 0.1 ppm or greater. This training is also recommended for general users of formaldehyde to increase awareness of the hazards of formaldehyde and understand practices to minimize exposure.

Chemical Safety - Formaldehyde Awareness
Training Available online (log-in)

Required training for Faculty, Staff, Research Personnel, Clinical Laboratory Staff, and Medical School Students who are exposed to formaldehyde concentration 0.1 ppm or greater.

Recommended Training

After completing your required training (see above), you may find that you want more information regarding Laboratory & Chemical Safety. Below you will find links to additional UVA and Non-UVA sources of these types of materials.

UVA-specific Recommended Training

UVA personnel who assign projects and have oversight responsibilities in work areas are encouraged to assign persons to complete these module as appropriate.

Chemical Safety - Chemical Storage: A General Guideline
Available online (log-in)
Recommended training for persons who work with chemicals and/or manage the storage of chemicals. Training includes guidance on how to properly segregate incompatible chemicals and locations for proper storage.
Chemical Safety - Compressed Gas Cylinder and Regulator Safety
Available online (log-in)
Recommended training for persons who work with compressed gas cylinders. Training includes guidance on: how to store, move and secure cylinders properly, choosing and attaching the appropriate regulators for the gas type, and checking for gas leaks after regulator attachment.
Chemical Safety - Enthalpy Wheel Orientation
Available online (log-in)
Recommended training for persons handling chemicals in laboratories served by ventilation systems containing enthalpy wheels. Training includes an orientation to the wheels and the necessary safety measures for research personnel.
Chemical Safety - Handling Organolithiums and Related Agents
Available online (log-in)
Recommended training for persons who work with Organolithiums and Related (highly reactive, potentially pyrophoric) Agents.
Chemical Safety - Housekeeping Practice in Research Labs
Available online (log-in)
Recommended training for persons using laboratory space. Training emphasizes the importance of good housekeeping practice and the implications to overall safety when an area is poorly maintained. Advice is given on how to properly maintain laboratory space.
Fire Safety - Fire Safety in Labs, Shops, & Studios
Available online (log-in)
Recommended training for persons who work in laboratories, shops and studios. Training helps familiarize users to the unique fire safety considerations in an academic setting. This module will provide background on fire prevention code, common fire code issues, situations or conditions that could lead to a fire, and what you can do to prevent a fire.
PPE - Eye Protection
Available online (log-in)
Recommended training for persons who utilize areas where there is the potential for exposure or injury due to chemical or physical hazards. Training includes guidance on how to choose the appropriate eye protection for your application.
PPE - Glove Selection
Available online (log-in)
Recommended training for persons who utilize laboratory, studio and/or shop spaces where there is the potential for hand injuries due to chemical and/or physical hazards. Training includes guidance on how to choose the appropriate glove for your application, and best practices when using gloves.
PPE - Physical Hazards
Available online (log-in)
Recommended training for persons who utilize laboratory, studio and/or shop spaces where there is the potential for injury due to physical hazards. Training provides an awareness of various physical hazards, safe work practices, and preventative measures to mitigate the risk of injury.

Non-UVA Recommended Training

Dow Lab Safety Academy

Service Satisfaction Survey
Please complete this brief survey and give us your opinion about the services Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) has provided to you. All completed surveys are sent to the Director of EHS.