HOME Ergonomics Terpsikhore

UVA Dance - "Terpsikhore" - Making Stretching Fun!

Terpsikhore - Greek Muse of Choral Song and Dance

When performing stretching exercises to maintain flexibility and help decrease injury, dynamic stretching (stretching through movement) can often be more fun and effective than static stretching (stretching and holding technique).

But have you ever wanted to "kick it up a notch"?

Alex Schmidt and Jordan Holleran (two of UVA's students in dance) have choreographed a routine for our Drama Department graduate students who create costumes, scenery, sound and lighting for our theater productions.

We have named our "dancing stretches" - "Terpsikhore" - after the Greek Muse of choral song and dance.

Here they share their UVA Dance - "Terpsikhore" with you.

Gather a group of your fellow workers together and "stretch and dance"!

Use our routine or use some of the examples in our Dynamic Stretches pages to create your own routine!

Enjoy! Make stretching a fun part of your life!

UVA/EHS would like to thank: Alex and Jordan for choreographing and performing their dance routine; Dean Schlemmer (our EHS videographer) and Karen Allen (PT, our EHS Ergonomics Manager) for editing and producing this video.

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